Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here. If you still need help, please contact us at


Unfortunately, once orders are placed, no changes can be made. Please review your order for accuracy before it is finalized.

Orders are processed within 3 business days. Please note that this time may be extended for orders placed during holidays due to large sales volume. We thank you in advance for your patience if this causes a delay for you.


Yes, our products are natural. The ingredients used to create our products are plant based.

Yes, you can use our products if you have sensitive skin.

Our products are meant to be used in the morning and at night.

Being that the products do not contain chemical preservatives, it is highly recommended that all products be used within a year.

None of our products require refrigeration. They should be stored in a cool place that does not receive direct sunlight.

No, our products are for anyone who would like soft, moisturized and glowing skin.


Due to the type of products we offer (beauty products that can be tampered with), returns are not accepted. A lot of time, research, testing and love has gone into the creation of these products, so we hope that you love them so much that the thought of returning them doesn't even cross your mind.


Once your order has shipped, we cannot control or guarantee that the items will be received by a certain time. This is determined by the carrier delivering the order. Please use the 'track order' link provided in your order email to see what the current status/location is for your items. It's worth noting that not all carriers update their tracking frequently, so the information provided may not be current.